As an Aries I like to paint the queen of wands generous and loving person. Sometimes she is depicted somewhat harsh and unattractive in few tarot decks. "If you fall in love with me, you'll never lack for excitement but I want to have all of you or nothing at all." This passionate women challenges her lover with confidence and grace.
When the Queen of Wands card appears in your reading the divinatory meanings:
Upright: She is fertile both physically and mentally. She is by nature kind and sympathetic, friendly, generous and loving. She is a lover of the countryside and the works of nature, and is devoted to her home. She has a sound grasp of practical affairs, and is capable of independent thoughts and authoritative action. She is protective towards those within her circle. Her Charm and social ease ensure her popularity.
Reversed: She is overbearing, matriarchal, unable to allow her loved ones independence of thought or action. She is vain and self-righteous, tending to take offense over imagined wrongs, and striking out at those who mean her no harm. She has a sharp tongue and a cruel wit.