Thursday, March 10, 2011

Witch's Library

The book selves are full of witchcraft books and bottles of ingredients she is working late at night.
In fact, the word 'witch' comes from the Old English word 'wicca', meaning "wise one."
Knowledge was power, and power was often seen as magic. Those who had knowledge of plants and animals, for example, could produce medicine to help people, or poison to hurt them.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Phoenix the Queen of Wands

As an Aries I like to paint the queen of wands generous and loving person. Sometimes she is depicted somewhat harsh and unattractive in few tarot decks. "If you fall in love with me, you'll never lack for excitement but I want to have all of you or nothing at all." This passionate women challenges her lover with confidence and grace. 

When the Queen of Wands card appears in your reading the divinatory meanings:
Upright: She is fertile both physically and mentally. She is by nature kind and sympathetic, friendly, generous and loving. She is a lover of the countryside and the works of nature, and is devoted to her home. She has a sound grasp of practical affairs, and is capable of independent thoughts and authoritative action. She is protective towards those within her circle. Her Charm and social ease ensure her popularity.

Reversed: She is overbearing, matriarchal, unable to allow her loved ones independence of thought or action. She is vain and self-righteous, tending to take offense over imagined wrongs, and striking out at those who mean her no harm. She has a sharp tongue and a cruel wit.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Snow falling on my window.

While snow was falling the world seemed soundless. On the way home I took some photos.  The road was already cleaned up but trees were beautiful covered with fresh snow. 

At home, sipping a cup of green tea I finished my painting "Justice the Queen of Swords" which I'd worked few days. I really satisfied the outcome of this painting. I'd enjoy it for a while. 

This original painting is my version of the Viennese artist Klimt whose art could traces the essence of art to an enigma. The pictorial images of the artist are, in fact, full of images of hermeticism: his works seem to be depictions of a mystery and even more so an expression of emotions and drives. 

Justice is one of the four Virtues-the others being Temperance, Fortitude, and Prudence-which occur frequently in Medieval art. She looks confident, intelligent and complex. She is skillful at balancing opposing factions one against the other. She wears an elaborate outfit bearing in her both hands a metal sword that is an indication of her power. 

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Queen of Swords from Ukiyoe Tarot

It was a snowy Sunday and lucky to me I was stuck in my over-heated studio. 
I did not dare to adventure to go outside and finished this Queen of Swords. 

The Queen of Swords is richly dressed. Every motif on the layers of her robe reflects that of her husband, the king of swords. Her outer kimono is decorated with peonies which are the the symbol for nobility and value. In full bloom, peony symbolizes peace and it is also used as a metaphor for female beauty and reproduction. 

The Queen of Swords holds a sword, but it is sheathed, denoting that her power is not temporal, but rather intellectual. She is quick-witted and capable. Her unrestrained hair suggests an original way of thinking. 

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Queen of Pentacles...from Ukiyoe Tarot

Wish happy holidays and prosperous 2011!

Recently I finished "Queen of Pentacles" from Ukiyoe Tarot.
I just loved to paint this dignified queen with eyes of phoenix.
She wouldn't take 'No' for answer but values high honesty and loyalty in character.
In lavish costume, the queen of pentacles holds the sign of her prosperity. Folding fans, a favorite accessory of the aristocracy, decorate her outer kimono and the motif of stream with scattered maple leaves covers the bottom of her inner kimono. Everything around her-her clothes, the elaborate carpet, and the handsome screen with its lacquered frame-denotes a love of luxury and beauty.

The fashionableness of her dress indicates that the queen of pentacles is conscious of the impression that she makes on others. She is graceful and dignified. Though she likes to surround herself with opulence she is not selfish with ehr riches and will give freely to charitable causes.  Her subjects will find in her a devoted and just ruler.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Queen of Cups...Ukiyoe Tarot..8 x 10 Original Handpainting

This is my version of Japanese Ukiyoe Art from Ukiyoe Tarot Deck.
The Queen of Cups is dressed in an elegant, refined style. The embroidered design of her kimono reflects the fashion of late 17th century Japan, when motifs were used on only part of the fabric. The layers of her kimono are subtle combinations of color-pink bordering lavender-in a style that had passed before the age of ukiyoe. Her sash is woven using ukimon-ori, or "floating design weave."
Behind the queen of cups, a screen is painted with delicate scenes of spring.
The Queen of Cups offers the cup of hospitality to palace visitors. She is a practical and capable person, and though she loves to dream, she is able to apply her aspirations to reality.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

My Favorite Things~

I like to wear odd, meaningful and smybolic accessories.
Here's my favorite collection.

Spider is an ancient symbol of mystery, power and growth.
It represents the enigma of the web, which weaves in and out of itself. Our minds are similar. We reshape and recreate our thoughts continuously.

The snake is coiling in a figure eight-the symbol of infinity- around the huge emerald green crystal.
Most earth-centered or pagan cultures worshipped the serpent. It represents rebirth (because of its molting), protection against evil, either male of female sexuality, rain and fertility, a mediator between the physical and spiritual world....
It also represents female energy or lifeforce in goddess worship, sometimes linked to the eastern Kundalini force or a supposed "goddess within."

Rainbow Frog
Frog is symbol of fertility, happiness and good-luck to many cultures. The Romans linked it to Aphrodite, the Egyptian to the shape-shifting goddess Heket who would take the form of a frog.
To the Chinese, it symbolized the moon,'the lunar, yin principle' bringing healing and prosperity.
Since frogs need watery places, their image was often used in occult rain charms.